Ready to kick some!
Our website’s live. We’re getting social over on Facebook and Twitter. And we’ve already started work for our first client. Comma come on in and see what we’re all about…

Comma Chameleon is the realisation of a lifelong drea…
No. We’re not starting our first blog like that. Too cliché. And really, we’re not too smug to think anybody reading this actually gives a monkeys about what’s brought us here. You don’t really care about our childhood dreams. And that’s OK. You’re probably here to find out what makes us different from the other copywriters, editors and proofreaders out there, yes? You’re wondering why what we do is any better than what the other guys are doing, amiright?
OK, so let’s get down to the big question:
Why should you choose Comma Chameleon?
Firstly, we reckon it’s a massive plus that we’re not one-trick ponies. We can do a bit (or a lot) of everything. Your one-stop copy shop, if you will. We’re trained, qualified and experienced in all the services we offer, so we can write content for your website one day, and edit the copy you’ve already got earmarked for a flyer the next. And then we can proofread absolutely everything before it goes live. That makes us pretty special.
Secondly, we like to keep it real. We love what we do (genuinely – and we’re not bad at it, either), but we know not everybody cares all that much about being grammatically correct. We grew up with the internet, so we know how language is evolving – and we’re cool with that. We’re rule breakers when it comes to writing for ourselves, in fact. And while we can spot a split infinitive and know how to correct it, we also know that how something sounds or feels is every bit as important as being grammatically accurate. We’re not about to ruin a good turn of phrase just to make a sentence ‘proper’. As long as the individual words are spelt right, the meaning is clear and there’s no room for misinterpretation, it’s all gravy.
Thirdly, we care. This is what we’ve chosen to do with our lives. We’re not sat in a cubicle in a nameless, grey office, clocking in and clocking out every day to make some rich guy we’ve never met even richer. We’ve done that. And don’t get us wrong, we learnt a lot while we were doing it. But now we want to do things differently, and we want to do them for ourselves. We want to give people like you the chance to do things differently, too. Help you find your voice and get your message out there. Because we all have something we want to say. It’s how we say it that matters.
So what is it you want to say?
Give us a shout if you need help with crafting or nailing down your message – we’re ready and raring to go.
The Comma Chameleon team
P.S. That’s it for the self-promotion, we promise. All our blogs from here on in will be packed with handy tips, helpful checklists, fun debate topics and stuff like that. We hope to see you back here!