When to cut ‘that’ from your writing
In writing, most instances of ‘that’ are utter word fluff. If you’ve got a word count to hit and you’re struggling to cut your copy, try starting with ‘that’…
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What is a noun phrase?
Noun phrases are a key element of English grammar, helping to give more information about the noun in a sentence and jazzing up the language. Comma Chameleon unpicks the humble noun phrase for EAL learners and homeschooling parents…
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What is an adverbial phrase?
Trying to get your head around adverbial phrases? We’ve got you…
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What is a fronted adverbial?
What is a fronted adverbial? It’s a question parents up and down the country have been asking themselves in recent…
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Eco fonts and ink-saving tips
Sustainable printing for small businesses Looking to cut your office printing costs and increase your small business sustainability? We’re right…
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Historic or historical?
The difference between ‘historic’ and ‘historical’ is more significant than you might imagine. These are not two different ways of…
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‘Compared to’ or ‘compared with’
They look and sound like they’re interchangeable, right? Well, what if we told you there were subtle differences in meaning when using either ‘to’ or ‘with’ to make a comparison? Let Comma Chameleon blow your mind…
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How to proofread your emails
Nothing screams ‘unprofessional’ quite like a business email that’s littered with spelling and grammatical errors. Our top tips for proofreading emails will help keep your messages on point and your reputation intact…
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Style means substance
What is a style guide? And why do you need one? Let Comma Chameleon break it down for you…
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Who you gonna call?
What’s the difference between a proofreader and an editor? Let the Ghostbusters help us explain…
Read more of Who you gonna call?About Comma Chameleon
Comma Chameleon is a Manchester-based team of copywriters, editors and proofreaders, with decades of experience. We work with clients throughout the UK to bring colour to content and clarity to messages, no matter the size, format or platform. We simply love words, whether they’re yours or ours.
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